Patrick Huang Faculty Profile

Patrick  Huang

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: (510) 885-3478
  • Office: SC-S 407
  • Home Page:
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Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
CHEM 11001General Chem for EngineeringTTH5:00PM5:50PMSC-N119
CHEM 1101AGeneral Chem for EngineeringTH2:00PM4:30PMSC-S411
CHEM 1101BGeneral Chem for EngineeringTU2:00PM4:30PMSC-S411
CHEM 111L1CGeneral Chem Lab IM2:00PM4:30PMSC-S421
CHEM 41001ADV Inorganic ChemistryTTH9:00AM10:40AMSC-S302