Levent Ertaul Faculty Profile

Levent Ertaul
Professor, CS Chair
Department of Computer Science
- E-mail: levent.ertaul@csueastbay.edu
- Phone: (510) 885-3356
- Office: SF 569
- Office Hours: TuTh 4:30pm -5:30pm ZOOM
- Vitae:
- Home Page:
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Research: Cyber Security & Privacy, Cyber War, Hacking Technoligies, Cyber Security Policies, Computer Networks Security, Cryptology, Wireless Security, Cloud Security, International Governance of Cyber Space
Cyber Security & Privacy, Cyber War, Hacking Technoligies, Cyber Security Policies, Computer Networks Security, Cryptology, Wireless Security, Cloud Security, International Governance of Cyber Space
- PhD. University of Sussex, 1994
- MSc. Hacettepe University, 1989
- BSc EENG Anadolu University, 1984
Course # | Sec | Course Title | Days | From | To | Location | Campus |
CS 490 | 01 | Independent Study | ARR | ARR |
2023 L. Ertaul, A. Chauhan, ‘IoT Security: Implementation of Xtea, Simon/Speck Lightweight Block Ciphers’, The 2023 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (CSCE'23), The 2023 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'23), July, Las Vegas, 2023
2022 G. Saldamli, A.S. Papetla, A. Sedasivan, A. Deshmukh, S. Madanambeti, L. Ertaul, " Drug Recommendation and Tracking using Blockchain and Machine Learning',The 2022 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (CSCE'22), The 2022 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'22), July, Las Vegas, 2022
2021 Gokay, Saldamli, Joseph Jojo, Gunakara Nayak Mitra, Mathur Sushant, Jayapraksh Sidharth, Levent Ertaul, "Secure Location-Based Contact Tracing for COVID-19", The 2021 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'21), The 2021 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'21 ), July, Las Vegas, 2021.
2021 Gokay Saldamli, Doshi Nishit, Gadapa Vishal, Parikh Jainish, Patel Mihir, Levent Ertaul, "Analysis of Machine Learning as a Service", The 17th International Conference on Grid, Cloud, & Cluster Computing, GCC'21: July 26-29, 2021, USA
2020 Gokay Saldamli, Aditya Doshatti, Darshil Kapadia, Devashish Nyati,Maulin Bodiwala, and Levent Ertaul, "", The 16th International Conference on Grid, Cloud, & Cluster Computing, GCC'20: July 27-30, 2020, USA
2020 Varick L. Erickson, Pragya Varshney, Levent Ertaul, "A Project-Based Approach to Teaching IoT ", The 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Education:Computer Science & Computer Engineering (STEM, ABET, ...), FECS'20: July 27-30, 2020, USA
2020 Gokay Saldamli, Kavitha Karunakaran, Vidya Kodihalli Vijaykumar, Weiyang Pan, Siddesh Puttarevaiah and Levent Ertaul, "", Second International Workshop on Blockchain Applications and Theory (BAT2020), Paris France, April 20-23
2019 L. Ertaul, P. Chudinov, B. Morales, “IoT Security: Authenticated Lightweight Key Exchange (ALIKE)”, The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'19), The 18th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'19), July, Las Vegas, 2019.
2019 G. Saldamli, L. Ertaul and A. M. Shankaralingappa. ”.”, The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IoTNAT’19), June 10–13, Rome, Italy.
2019 G. Saldamli, S. S. Deshpande, K. Jawalekar, P. Gholap, L. Ertaul and L. Tawalbeh. ””, The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IoTNAT’19), June 10–13, Rome, Italy.
2019 G. Saldamli, H. Sanjeeva, K. Siddalingaapa, R. V. Murugesan and L. Ertaul. ”.”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS’19), June 11– 13, Jordan
2019 G. Saldamli, L. Ertaul, K Dholakia and U Sanikommu. ”An Efficient Private Matching and Set Intersection Protocol: Implementation PM-Malicious Server.” , The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'19), The 2019 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'19), July, Las Vegas, 2019.
2019 G. Saldamli, L. Ertaul and Mayur Gala. ”Privacy-preserving Contacts Compare for Social Networks.”, The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'19), The 18th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'19), July, Las Vegas, 2019.
2018 L. Ertaul, M. Mousa, “Applying the Kill Chain and Diamond Models to Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics”, The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'18), The 2018 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'18), July, Las Vegas, 2018.
2018 G. Saldamli, L. Ertaul, B. Kodirangaiah, “Post-Quantum Cryptography on IoT: Merkle’s Tree Authentication”, The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'18), The 17th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'18), July, Las Vegas, 2018
2018 G. Saldamli, L. Ertaul, K. M. A. Menon, “Analysis of McEliece Post Quantum Cryptosystem on Raspberry Pi 3”, The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'18), The 2018 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'18), July, Las Vegas, 2018.
2017 BOOK: K. Daimi, G. Francia, L. Ertaul, E. El-Sheikh, L. Hernandez, “”, June 2017.
2017 L. Ertaul, A. Woodall, "", The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'17), The 2017 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'17), July, Las Vegas, 2017.
2017 L. Ertaul, S. K. Rajegowda, "", The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'17), The 2017 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'17), July, Las Vegas, 2017.
2017 L. Ertaul, K. Venkatachalam,"", The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'17), The 16th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'17), July, Las Vegas, 2017.
2017 L. Ertaul, “”, , Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 117-123 March.
2016 L. Ertaul, I. Thanki, "", WORLDCOMP 2016, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'16, July, Las Vegas, 2016.
2016 L. Ertaul, M. Kaur, V. A. K. R Gudise, “”, The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN16, July, Las Vegas, 2016.
2016 L. Ertaul, N. V. Konda, D. G Ramasamy, “”, The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN16, July, Las Vegas, 2016.
2016 L. Ertaul, A. Mudan, N. Sarfaraz, “”, WORLDCOMP 2016, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'16, July, Las Vegas, 2016.
2016 L. Ertaul, S. K L, N. Sanka, “Implementation of Authenticated Encryption Algorithm Offset Code Book (OCB)”, The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN16, July, Las Ve gas, 2016.
2015 G. Saldamli, Y. J. Baek, L. Ertaul, “”, , Vol. 15 No. 5 pp. 44-49, May.
2015 L. Ertaul, W. M. Baptista, R. Maram, “”, WORLDCOMP2015, The 2015 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'15, July, Las Vegas.
2015 L. Ertaul, J. H. Yang, G. Salsamli, “” , Vol. 15 No. 5 pp. 1-11, May.
2015 L. Ertaul, J. N. Shah, S. Ammar, “”, WORLDCOMP2015, The 2015 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'15, July, Las Vegas.
2015 L. Ertaul, Saleha Shakoor, “”, ,VOL. 15 No. 3 pp. 1-10, March.
2014 L. Ertaul, A. M. Mehta, T. K. Wu, “”, Proceedings of the 2014 Internatioanl Conference on Security & Management SAM’14, July, Las Vegas.
2013 L. Ertaul, B. F. Imagnu, S. Kilaru, “”, WORLDCOMP2013, The 2013 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'13, July, Las Vegas.
2013 L. Ertaul, A Balluru, A. Perumalsamy, “”, WORLDCOMP2013, The 2013 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'13, July, Las Vegas.
2013 L. Ertaul, N. Shaikh, S. Kotipalli, “”, WORLDCOMP2013, The 2013 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'13, July, Las Vegas.
2013 Y. Martirosyan, L. Ertaul, “”, M.Sc. Thesis, 缅北禁地 East Bay, February.
2012 L. Ertaul, Y. Martirosyan, “”, Proceedings of the 2012 Internatioanl Conference on Security & Management SAM’12, July, Las Vegas.
2012 L. Ertaul, V. Rathod, “ ”, Proceedings of the 2012 Internatioanl Conference on Security & Management SAM’12, July, Las Vegas.
2011 L. Ertaul, S.Vandana, K. Gulati, G. Saldamli,“”, Proceedings of Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas.
2011 L. Ertaul, A. R. Pasham, H. Patel, “”, Proceedings of Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas.
2011 L. Ertaul, A. Movasseghi, S. Kumar, “”, Proceedings of Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas
2011 L. Ertaul, A. Movasseghi, S. Kumar, “”, Proceedings of Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas.
2011 L. Ertaul, J. Hao, “”, Proceedings of Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas.
2010 L.Ertaul, S. Singhal, G. Saldamli, “ ”, WORLDCOMP2010, The 2010 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'10, July, Las Vegas.
2010 L.Ertaul, S. Natte, G. Saldamli,” ”, WORLDCOMP2010, The 2010 International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN'10, July, Las Vegas.
2010 L. Ertaul, S. Chelivendri, G. Saldamli, “”, WORLDCOMP2010, The 2010 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'10, July, Las Vegas.
2010 B. Karaoglan, L. Ertaul, “”, , No:6(102), ISSN 1392 – 1215, June
2010 B. Karaoglan, L. Ertaul, “”, annual conference, 28-30 June,Palagna, Lithuania.
2009 L. Ertaul, D. Ibrahim, “”, The 2009 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'09, July, Las Vegas.
2009 L. Ertaul, S. Mullapudi, “”, The 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN'09, July, Las Vegas.
2009 L. Ertaul, O. Catambay, “”, The 2009 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'09, July, Las Vegas.
2009 L. Ertaul, M. Ganta, “”,The 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN'09, July, Las Vegas.
2008 L. Ertaul, J. H. Yang, “”, The 2008 Applied Cryptology and Network Security (ACNS08), July, Las Vegas.
2008 L. Ertaul, E. Celebi, M. Gozutok, “”, The 2008 Applied Cryptology and Network Security (ACNS08), July, Las Vegas.2008 J. H. Yang, L. Ertaul, “”, M.Sc Thesis, 缅北禁地, East Bay, May.
2007 L. Ertaul, Vaidehi, ””, , VOL. 7 No. 11 pp. 132-141, November.2007 L. Ertaul, Vaidehi, “”, The 2007 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN'07, June, Las Vegas
2007 Vaidehi, L. Ertaul, ”” MSc. Thesis 缅北禁地, East Bay, October.
2007 L. Ertaul, N. Chavan, ””, The 2007 International Conference on Security & Management, SAM'07, June, Las Vegas
2007 E. Cuervo1, F. Henriquez, D. Arroyo, L. Ertaul, “” The 2007 International Conference on Applied Cryptography & Network Security, ACNS07, June, Las Vegas.2007 G. Silva1, F. Henriquez, N. Cortes , L. Ertaul, “”, The 2007 International Conference on Security & Management, SAM'07, June, Las Vegas
2007 J. Panda, L.Ertaul, “”, M.Sc. Thesis, 缅北禁地, East Bay, June ()
2007 L. Ertaul, N. Chavan, “”, , VOL.7 No.4, page 48-61 April .
2006 L.Ertaul, Vaidehi, “”, The 2006 International Conference on Security & Management, SAM'06, June, Las Vegas
2006 L. Ertaul, J. Panda, “”, The 2006 International Conference on Security & Management, SAM'06, June, Las Vegas
2006 L. Ertaul, B. Kasim, ”” The 2006 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN'06, June Las Vegas
2005 L. Ertaul, R. Sudarsanam, “”, Proceedings of EURO mGOV 2005 (The First European Mobile Government Conference), July, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
2005 L. Ertaul, T. Braithwaite, B. L. Bellman, “”, Proceedings of EURO mGOV 2005 (The First European Mobile Government Conference), July, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
2005 L. Ertaul, S. Venkatesh, “”, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP’05, June, Las Vegas
2005 L. Ertaul, B. Kasim, “”, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN’05, June, Las Vegas
2005 L. Ertaul, N. Chavan, “”, 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications, and Mobile Computing, Wirelesscom 2005, MobiWac 2005, June 2005, Maui, Hawaii
2005 L. Ertaul, W. Lu, “”, , May 2005, University of Waterloo, Ontario, CA
2005 L. Ertaul, A. Akyol, “E-Commerce and Security”, Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, ONERI, Jan, 2005.
2004 S. Venkatesh, L. Ertaul, “”, M.Sc. Thesis, 缅北禁地, East Bay, December
2004 L. Ertaul, S. Venkatesh, “”, Proc. of IASTED International Confrerence on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2004), Nov. 2004, MIT Cambridge, USA. Download JHide tool kit
2001 L. Ertaul, M. Afyonluoglu, “Personal Computer Security” BAS 2001, Proc. of the 6th Symposium on Computer Networks, Cyprus.
2000 L. Ertaul , B. Yilmaz “Software Implementation of the SkipJack Algorithm” ISCIS XV, Proceedings of the 15th International Sciences, October , Istanbul
2000 L. Ertaul, L. Ozalp “Survey and Evaluation of Security Products” Internal Report, Hacettepe University, September, 2000
2000 L. Ertaul, A. Tekin “Security of Mobile Agents” ISCIS XV, Proceedings of the 15th International Sciences, October, Istanbul
2000 L. Ertaul, A.Z. Alkar, H.S. Gecim, R. Sonmez, “ A VLSI Implemantation of DES and Triple DES with Pipelining Technique” MUG Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA , October.
2000 L. Ertaul, B. Kasım “ Evaluation of GSM Security” BAS’2000, Proc. of the 5th Symposium on Computer Networks, Ankara.
2000 A. Botan , L. Ertaul “An Investigation of ATM Forum Security Spesifications and a Multi-Layer ATM Security Model for TCP/IP over ATM (MLASM-t)” PhD Thesis, Hacettepe University, September
1999 L. Ertaul, B. Kasım, M. Gözütok, İ.C. Baykal, T. Köprülü “Software Optimization Methods for the Implementation of RC2, RC4 and RC5 Security Algorithms” Proc. of the Fourth Symposium on Computer Networks, İstanbul, May.
1999 L. Ertaul, S. Gökçebag, T. Koprulu, M. Gozutok, "Authentication of a Unix User on Windows NT Server ", ISCIS XIV, Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Sciences, October, Kusadasi.
1999 L. Ertaul, S. Ceylan, " Speed Optimized Software Implementation of Blowfish in ANSI C ", ISCIS XIV, Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Sciences, October , Kusadasi.
1998 L. Ertaul, A. Işıklı, “The Evalution of Firewall Authentication Protocols”, BAS98, Proc. of the Third Symposium on Computer Networks, İzmir, June
1998 L. Ertaul, M. Gözütok, C. Baykal, T. Köprülü, “An RSA Implementation in Software”, BAS98, Proc. of the Third Symposium on Computer Networks, İzmir June.
1998 L. Ertaul, C. Baykal, M. Gözütok, T. Köprülü, "Speed Optimized Implementation of IDEA in ANSI C", BAS'98, Proc. of the Third Symposium on Computer Networks, Izmir, June.
1998 L. Ertaul, T. Köprülü, S. Kondakci, H. Çaglar, Ö. Ergül, C. Baykal, M. Gözütok , A. Genç, S.Güven, K. Ince, "INTERCEPTOR: Design of a Firewall", BAS'98, Proc. of the Third Symposium on Computer Networks, Izmir, June. (in Turkish)
1998 L. Ertaul, T. Göksu, "Yer Degistirmeli, Aktarmali ve Dizi sifreleyiciler için Türkçenin Yapisal Özelliklerini Kullanan bir Kriptoanaliz", BAS'98, Proc. of the Third Symposium on Computer Networks, Izmir, June. (in Turkish)
1996 L. Ertaul, ‘Security Access Control Scheme (SACS) for Computer Networks’, BAS96, Proc. of the First Symposium on Computer Networks, Istanbul, May.
1996 L. Ertaul, ‘A Solution to the Re-Blocking Problem in the Implementation of Improved Internet Security Access Control Scheme (IISACS)’, BAS96, Proc. of the First Symposium on Computer Networks, Istanbul, May.
1996 L. Ertaul, ‘A Software Implementation of an Internet Security Access Control Scheme (ISACS) Through TCP/IP Protocols’, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sussex, England.
1994 L. Ertaul, M.J. English, F.S.F. Poon, ‘Distribution and Management of Secret Sequence Numbers for Large Computer Networks in an Internet Security Access Control Scheme’, Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, November, Antalya.
1993 L. Ertaul, M.J. English, F.S.F. Poon, ‘Improved Session Initiation Authentication Protocols in Internet Access Control Scheme’, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks, San Diego, California, USA, June.
1993 L.Ertaul, M.J. English, F.S.F. Poon, ‘Performance of Improved Session Initiation Authentication (SIA) Protocols’, Proc. of 5th Bangor Symp. on Communications, Bangor, England, June.
1992 L. Ertaul, M.J. English, F.S.F. Poon, ‘Improvements to Internet Access Control Security Scheme’, I.E.E. Electronics Letters, Vol:28, No:13, page 1250-1251, June.
1992 L. Ertaul, M.J. English, F.S.F. Poon, ‘A TCP/IP Implementation of an Internet Security Access Control Scheme’, Proc. of 4th Bangor Symp. on Communications, Bangor, England, May.
1987 L. Ertaul, ‘Spread Spectrum Haberleşme Sistemi Modellemesi’, Hacettepe University Press.
1987 L. Ertaul, ‘Modelling of Spread Spectrum Communications Sysytem (DS-QPSK)’, TMMOB Elektrik Mühendisliği, Vol: 32.
1986 L. Ertaul, T. Cifcibasi, “Microprocessors and their Industrial Applications” Lecture Notes, SEGEM Ankara & Ereğli, 103 pages
Cyber Security-Privacy - , CSU EAST BAY, LIBRARY FACULTY LECTURE SERIES, Oct 24th, 2023Cyber Security-Privacy - "How Can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space? Can I Get Some Privacy Please? , Oct. 21st, 2023 (invited)
Cyber Security-Privacy - "How Can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?", KEYNOTE SPEAKER, ICR23 - ), MADRID, SPAIN, Sept 4-6, 2023 (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy - " Cyber Security, Cyberwar, Hacking, Privacy, and Governmental/Personal Data Breaches?", KEYNOTE SPEAKER, , Las Vegas, NV, 2023
Cyber Security and Privacy - "How Can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?", KEYNOTE SPEAKER, (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy -"How Can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space? Can I Get Some Privacy Please", INVITED SPEECH, Cankaya University, 25th Anniversary, March 8, 2022, Turkey
Cyber Security and Privacy - "How Can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?", KEYNOTE SPEAKER, , Las Vegas, NV, 2021 (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy- P.S. It's CS! Cybersecurity, 缅北禁地, East Bay, CA, 2021
Cyber Security and Privacy-"How to Protect Yourself in Cyber Space", 缅北禁地 EAST BAY, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, CA, 2019.
Cyber Security and Privacy - “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?”, KEYNOTE SPEAKER, (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy- “How to Protect Yourself in Cyber Space”, 缅北禁地 EASTBAY, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, CA, 2018.
Cyber Security and Privacy - “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?”, KEYNOTE LECTURE, (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy - “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?”, KEYNOTE SPEAKER, (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy - “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?”, Faces of STEM Workshops, CSUEB 2018
, Sonoma State University, 2017 (invited)
, , Las Vegas, NV, 2017 (invited)
Cyber Security and Privacy - “How can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space”, San Jose City College (JSCC), Work Force Institute, San Jose, CA, 2017 (invited)
, , Brighton, England, 2017 (invited)
IoT Security: The Block Chain, The Bitcoin Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2017
Malicious PDF documents and Digital Forensics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2017
Digital Signatures & X509 Digital Certificates, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2017
Secure Messaging and Public Key Cryptography, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2017
Secure Messaging and Symmetric Key Cryptography, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2017
Cyber Security and Privacy - “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please?”, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2017
Cyber Security and Privacy Awareness - “How can I Protect Myself in Cyber Space”, 缅北禁地 EASTBAY, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, CA, 2016.(presentation in .pdf)
Future of Cyber Security Education . 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, WORLDCOMP’16, Las Vegas, NV, 2016
Cyber Security Education Curriculum/Pathways, (Panel Discussion), Silicon Valley-San Francisco Bay Region Cybersecurity Educators’ Symposium, Sunnyvale, CA, 2015
Reverse Engineering with IDA Pro, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Mobile Device Forensics with Autopsy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Bluetooth Hacking Techniques, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Bluetooth Security - Authentication and Confidentiality, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Bluetooth Security - Security Modes, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
X509 Digital Certificates, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Cryptography, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Data Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA, 2016
Cyber Security & Privacy “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please? ” 缅北禁地 EASTBAY, National Cyber Security Awareness Month, CA, 2015
Cyber Security & Privacy “Are We All Living in Glass Houses? Can I Get Some Privacy Please? ” Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), MIIS Cyber Initiative, Monterey, CA, 2015 (Invited)
Cyber Security: Cyber Security Education, Cyber Bullying and Privacy (Panel Discussion), 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, WORLDCOMP’15, Las Vegas, NV, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace – Secure Cloud Storage and Secure WiFi configurations, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace – Password Management and Password Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace – Deleting Data Securely, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace – File Encryption, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace – HDD and Mobile Device Protection, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace - E-mail Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Protecting Yourself in CyberSpace - Vulnerabilities of Cyber Space, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2015
Cyber Security for High School Students, 缅北禁地, East Bay, Hayward, CA, 2015 ( THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR)
The US Constitution and Privacy in Cyber Security, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
International Governance and the Internet, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
Identity and Attribution in Cyber Space, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
Protecting yourself in Cyber Space, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
Malicious Software-Viruses, Botnets and Logic Bombs Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
Cyber Space Vulnerabilities, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
How Cyber Space Works, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
Cyber Security Discussions - STUXNET, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2014
Bluetooth Hacking Techniques, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in Bluetooth, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in VoIP, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in Grid & Cloud Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in Wireless Networks (WPA1 and WPA2 with PSK and TKIP) & Wireless Hacking Techniques, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Security in Wireless Networks (WEP) & Wireless Hacking Techniques, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA, 2013
Cyber Security Curriculum Development for a BSc program in Computer Science, Dominican University, San Rafael, CA, 2012 (invited)
A Practice in using E_Portfolio, WIKI, Discussion Board and TURNITIN in a Higher Education Course Taught at Distance, CDSIA2011, 4th Symposium in Curriculum Development in Security and Information Assurance (CDSIA) , San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 2011
A Practice in using E_Portfolio, WIKI, Discussion Board and TURNITIN in a Higher Education Course Taught at Distance, CSU East Bay, 3 Nov, Hayward, CA, 2011
Security Services in Wireless AdHoc Networks (Conference Key Note Speech), VII Coloquio Nacional De Codigos, Criptografia y Areas Relacionadas, La Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, 7-9 June, Toluca, Mexico, 2006
Security of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Threshold Cryptography, VII Coloquio Nacional De Codigos, Criptografia y Areas Relacionadas, La Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico , 7-9 June, Toluca Mexico, 2006 (invited)
Today & Tomorrow: IEEE 802.11 WLAN Security, CSU East Bay, Hayward, CA, 2006
Today & Tomorrow: IEEE 802.11 WLAN Security, EURO mGOV 2005, Brighton, UK, 2005 (invited)
Security of Mobile Agents, CSU East Bay, Hayward, CA, 2002
Security of Mobile Agents (Chameleon Agents), Oregon State University, OR, 2002
Security in Computer Networks and Cryptology, Headquarters of Turkish Police Forces, 2002
WEB Security (SSL, Firewalls), Oregon State University, OR, 2001
Security in Computer Networks and Cryptology, Turkish General Staff (TGS), 2000
Security in Computer Networks and Cryptology, Turkish General Staff (TGS), 2000
Military Message Handling System (MMHS), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Military Message Handling Systems Work Group (MMHSWG), Istanbul, 2000
Turkish Military Message Handling System (MMHS) (MEDAS), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (JWID), MONS BELGIUM, 2000
Turkish Military Message Handling System (MMHS) (MEDAS), Unified Efforts, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 2000
Security in Computer Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 2000
Security in Computer Networks: Digital Signatures, E-Commerce Board of Turkey, 2000
Computer Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 2000
ATM Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 2000
ATM Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 2000
Security in Computer Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 1999
Security in Computer Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 1999
Computer Networks (1 week), Turkish Telecom, 1999
Security in Computer Networks and Cryptology, Havelsan Co, 1997
Security in Computer Networks and Cryptology, Havelsan Co, 1996
Security in Computer Networks, Haccettepe University, 1994
An Internet Security Access Control Scheme (ISACS), Middle East Technical University, 1994
An Internet Security Access Control Scheme (ISACS), Hacettepe University, 1994
Intel 8085 Microprocessor Programming, (1 week), Eregli Iron and Steel Ind., 1988
Intel 8085 Microprocessor Programming, (1 week), Eregli Iron and Steel Ind., 1987
IoT Security: Authenticated Lightweight Key Exchange (ALIKE), The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'19), The 18th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'19), July, Las Vegas, 2019
Privacy-preserving Contact Comparison for Social Networks, The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'19), The 18th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'19), July, Las Vegas, 2019
An Efficient Private Matching and Set Intersection Protocol: Implementation PM-Malicious Server, The 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'19), The 2019 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'18), July, Las Vegas, 2019.
Applying the Kill Chain and Diamond Models to Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics, The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'18), The 2018 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'18), July, Las Vegas, 2018.
Post-Quantum Cryptography on IoT: Merkle’s Tree Authentication, The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'18), The 17th Int'l Conf on Wireless Networks (ICWN'18), July, Las Vegas, 2018
Analysis of McEliece Post Quantum Cryptosystem on Raspberry Pi 3, The 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'18), The 2018 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'18), July, Las Vegas, 2018.
Performance Analysis of CLEFIA, PICCOLO, TWINE Lightweight Block Ciphers in IoT Environment, CSCE'17 - The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing, The 16th Int'l Conference on Security and Management (SAM'17), July, Las Vegas, 2017
IoT Security: Performance Evaluation of Grain, MICKEY, and Trivium - Lightweight Stream Ciphers, CSCE'17 - The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing, The 16th Int'l Conference on Security and Management (SAM'17), July, Las Vegas, 2017
Security of Software Defined Networks (SDN), CSCE'17 - The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing, The 16th Int'l Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'17), July, Las Vegas, 2017
EasyAuth - Implementation of a Multi-Factor Authentication Scheme Based on Sound, Fingerprint and One Time Passwords (OTP), WORLDCOMP2016, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'16, July, Las Vegas, 2016
Implementation and Performance Analysis of PBKDF2, Bcrypt, Scrypt Algorithms, The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN16, July, Las Vegas, 2016
Implementation of EAX Mode of Operation Within a Real-time Android Chatting Application, The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN16, July, Las Vegas, 2016
Performance Comparison of AES-CCM and AES-GCM Authenticated Encryption Modes, WORLDCOMP2016, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'16, July, Las Vegas, 2016
Implementation of Authenticated Encryption Algorithm Offset Code Book (OCB), The 2016 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN16, July, Las Vegas, 2016
Storing Credit Card Information Securely using Shamir Secret Sharing in a Multi-Provider Cloud Architecture, WORLDCOMP2015, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'15, July, Las Vegas, 2015
A Comparison of HMAC-based and AES-based FFX mode of Operation for Format-Preserving Encryption, WORLDCOMP2015, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'15, July, Las Vegas, 2015
Implementation of Oblivious Bloom Intersection in Private Set Intersection Protocol (PSI), International Conference on Security & Management SAM’14, July, Las Vegas, 2014
Privacy-Aware Proximity Based Service using Hide & Crypt Protocol: Implementation, WORLDCOMP2013, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'13, July, Las Vegas, 2013
Private Proximity Testing For Location Based Services, WORLDCOMP2013, International Conference on Security and Management SAM'13, July, Las Vegas, 2013
Implementation of Boneh Protocol 3 in Location Based Services (LBS) to Provide Proximity Service, WORLDCOMP2013, The 2013 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'13, July, Las Vegas, 2013
Implementation of a WEB Application for Evaluation of WEB Application Security Scanners, International Conference on Security & Management SAM’12, July, Las Vegas, 2012
The Zachman Framework, the Owner’s Perspective & Security, International Conference on Security & Management SAM’12, July, Las Vegas, 2012
Enterprise Security Planning using the Zachman Framework – Builder’s Perspective, Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas, 2011
Enterprise Security Planning using Zachman Framework: Designer’s Perspective, Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas, 2011
Enterprise Security Planning with TOGAF-9, Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas, 2011
A Strategy for Information Security:TOGAF, Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas, 2011
Enterprise Security Planning with Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF), Security and Management SAM’11, July, Las Vegas, 2011
Security Challenges in Cloud Computing, WORLDCOMP2010, The 2010 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'10, July, Las Vegas. 2011
Security Evaluation of CDMA2000, WORLDCOMP2010, the 2010 International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN'10, July, Las Vegas, 2010
Security Issues for Mobile Government, WORLDCOMP2010, the 2010 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'10, July, Las Vegas, 2010
The Security Problems of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) and Proposed Solutions in Securing their Operations, The 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN'09, July, Las Vegas, 2009
Today and Tomorrow: IEEE 802.11 WLAN Security, the 2009 International Conference on Security and Management SAM'09, July, Las Vegas, 2009
Security in Wireless Sensor Networks - A Study, the 2009 International Conference on Wireless Networks ICWN'09, July, Las Vegas, 2009
Implementation of Domingo Ferrer’s a New Privacy Homomorphism (DF a New PH) in Securing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), The 2008 Applied Cryptology and Network Security (ACNS08), July, Las Vegas, 2008
Implementation of Montgomery Multiplication Algorithms in Machine Languages, the 2008 Applied Cryptology and Network Security (ACNS08), July, Las Vegas, 2008
Computing Aggregation Function Minimum/Maximum using Homomorphic Encryption Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), The 2007 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN'07, June, Las Vegas, 2007
Finding Minimum Optimal Path Securely Using Homomorphic Encryption Schemes in Computer Network, the 2006 International Conference on Security & Management, SAM'06, June, Las Vegas, 2006
Mobile Agent Security, the 2006 International Conference on Security & Management, SAM'06, June, Las Vegas, 2006
GSM Security II, the 2006 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN'06, June Las Vegas, 2006
Security Planning Using Zachman Framework for Enterprises, EURO mGOV 2005 (The First European Mobile Government Conference), July, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 2005
Enterprise Security Planning (ESP), EURO mGOV 2005 (The First European Mobile Government Conference), July, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 2005
GSM Security, the 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN’05, June, Las Vegas, 2005
Novel Obfuscation Algorithms for Software Security, the 2005 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP’05, June, Las Vegas, 2005
Security Access Control Scheme (SACS) for Computer Networks’, BAS96, the First Symposium on Computer Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 1996
A Solution to the Re-Blocking Problem in the Implementation of Improved Internet Security Access Control Scheme (IISACS), BAS96, the First Symposium on Computer Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 1996
Distribution and Management of Secret Sequence Numbers for Large Computer Networks in an Internet Security Access Control Scheme, the 9th Int. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences, November, Turkey, Antalya, 1994
Improved Session Initiation Authentication Protocols in Internet Access Control Scheme, the 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks, San Diego, California, USA, June, 1993.
Performance of Improved Session Initiation Authentication (SIA) Protocols, 5th Bangor Symp. on Communications, Bangor, England, June, 1993
A TCP/IP Implementation of an Internet Security Access Control Scheme, 4th Bangor Symp. on Communications, Bangor, England, May, 1992
AWARD, 2023
from , Turkey, 2022
and for Sharing his Expertise with the Research Community as Keynote Speaker from American Counsel of Science and Education: 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing CSCE 2019, USA
from American Counsel of Science and Education: 2019 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing CSCE 2019, USA
from CSU Eastbay, Office of Diversity, 2018
from American Counsel of Science and Education: 2018 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing CSCE 2018, USA
Achievement Award for Research Contributions to the Field of Network Security from 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing CSCE 2017, USA
Achievement Award for Research Contributions to the Field of Network Security from 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP’16, USA
Achievement Award for Research Contributions to the Field of Network Security from 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP’15, USA
Achievement Award for Research Contributions to the Field of Network Security from 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP’14, USA
Achievement Award for Research Contributions to the Field of Network Security from 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP’13, US
A thank you letter from Berkeley Turkish School (BTS), 2016
A thank you letter from CSU East Bay Office of Diversity, 2015
A thank you letter from University Honors Program for my commitment of time, energy, and academic expertise to work with honor students 2013
Certificate of Appreciation from CSUEB Accessibility Services, 2012
Certificate of Appreciation (10 Years) from IEEE Communication Society 2010
Outstanding Achievement Award from Turkish General Staff (TGS), 2001
Outstanding Achievement Award from Havelsan Co., 2001
CSUEB A2E2 Grant 2020, $65.000
CSUEB A2E2 Grant 2019, $33.000
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), 2017 Summer Fellowship, Global Security Principal Directorate / Z program
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), 2016 Summer Fellowship, Computation Directorate / Institute for Scientific Computing Research Division / Cyber Defenders Program
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), 2015 Summer Fellowship, Computation Directorate / Institute for Scientific Computing Research Division / Cyber Defenders Program
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), 2014 Summer Fellowship, Computation Directorate / Institute for Scientific Computing Research Division / Cyber Defenders Program
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), 2013 Summer Fellowship, Computation Directorate / Institute for Scientific Computing Research Division / Cyber Defenders Program
Online & Hybrid Course Quality Transformation Grant, 2016, $4500
Juniper your university (JYU) Campus Laboratory Equipment Grant Program. $10.000
CSUEB Faculty Research Grant,” Application Security: Software Protection”, $5000
CSUEB New Faculty support Grant,” Secure Mobile Agents against Cyber-Security” $5000
Oregon State University (OSU), Visiting Professor, 2001
National Military Message Handling System (MMHS). Received ($15Million) from TGS (Turkish General Staff)(Havelsan)
Turkish Telecom TURNET Management. Received $10.000
First National Firewall System for Computer Networks. Received ($4 Million) from TUBITAK (Havelsan).
TYİH, Turkiye Yüksek İhtisas Hospital, Computer Center Management. Received $20.000 from TYIH
ENSA Group of Companies, Electronic and Textile labs for Universities. Received $5000
ENSA Group of Companies, Technical Document Translation for Electronics Labs. Received $5000
A VLSI implementation of DES, IDEA and RSA security algorithms. Received $25.000 from state planning department (DPT)
Smart Card Developments. Received $25.000 from Hacettepe University.
Cryptanalysis of Turkish alphabet. Received $4000 from Hacettepe University
2023-2024 CSUEB UAS/UAV Drone Committee Member
2023-2024 California Cybersecurity 4 Year Education Program Workgroup
2023-2024 College of Science Representative at Bay Area Council Cyber Security
2023-2024 College of Science Representative at CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS) 2022-2023 CS DEPARTMENT CHAIR 2022-2023 CSUEB UAS/UAV Drone Committee (Chair)
2022-2023 California Cybersecurity 4 Year Education Program Workgroup
2022-2023 缅北禁地 Quantum Information Science Workgroup
2022-2023 College of Science Representative at Bay Area Council Cyber Security
2022-2023 College of Science Representative at CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)
2021-2022 California Cybersecurity 4 Year Education Program Workgroup
2021-2022 缅北禁地 Quantum Information Science Workgroup
2021-2022 College of Science Representative at Bay Area Council Cyber Security
2021-2022 College of Science Representative at CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)
2020-2021 California Cybersecurity 4 Year Education Program Workgroup
2020-2021 缅北禁地 Quantum Information Science Workgroup
2020-2021 College of Science Representative at Bay Area Council Cyber Security
2020-2021 College of Science Representative at CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)
2019-2020 California Cybersecurity 4 Year Education Program Workgroup
2019-2020 缅北禁地 Quantum Information Science Workgroup
2019-2020 College of Science Representative at Bay Area Council Cyber Security
2019-2020 College of Science Representative at CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)
2019-2020 Mentor (CSUEB CUBES)
2019-2020 (XCSUEBF2019) competition as team coach
Advising: CS
2018-2019 CS RTP Committee (chair)
2018-2019 CS Grad Committee
2018-2019 MSc thesis committee member.
2018-2019 Nursing Department member of PTR committee
2018-2019 CTF Coach
2018-2019 Organized CYBERFIRE Capture the Flag Competition (CTF)
2018-2019 competition as team coach
2018 -2019 College of Science Representative at Bay Area Council Cyber Security
2018 -2019 College of Science Representative at CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS)
NBC News, , interview 2023
KRON4 News, BAY AREA, interview 2023
, Cyberattacks: Hayward Hacked, interview 2023
Bay Are News Group (East Bay Times), , interview 2023
The Mercury News, Crime and Public Safety, , interview 2023
, interview, 2023
Advisory Board member of Smith Center for Private Enterprise Studies, 2023
Media Training, CNN, 2022
Program Committee Member ICR'22 - International Conference on Innovations in Computing Research, 2022
Program Committee Member, SVCC 2023 (Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference), 2023
Program Committee Member, SVCC 2022 (Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference), 2022
Program Committee Member, SVCC 2021 (Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference), 2021
Program Committee Member, SVCC 2020 (Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference), 2020
, interview, 2021
, interview, 2021
Member of Organizing Committee: , June 21
, interview, 2019
ABC7 News 6pm, NATIONAL SECURITY, GRINDR, CHINA interview, 2019
, interview, 2019
, interview, 2018
, 2018
ABC7 News 6pm, FACEBOOK TESTIMONY, interview, 2018
Organized CYBERFIRE Capture the Flag Competition (CTF) in CSU East Bay, 2018
Invited to join CGSR Workshop: Cyberspace, Information Strategy, and International Security, Feb 27-28, 2018
NBC News, UBER HACKING interview, 2017
Nominated , 2017
Invented a security protocol “L4NE”, based on composite functions for Location Based Services (LBS), 2017
Invented an ECC based stream cipher “ERTAUL” Crypto Algorithm, 2005
Organized 2nd Annual HackCSUEB HACKATHON at CSU East Bay, 2017 () (12 Hours),
Organized 1st Annual HackCSUEB HACKATHON at CSU East Bay, 2015 ( (24 hours)
Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to Stimulate (RAMPS) Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and United States Department of Commerce (DoC) Grand. Partnering with Merritt Community College and Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) 2016
CS Editorial Board Member of (American Journal of Undergraduate Research), 2017
Participated in competition as team ’s coach, 2016
Participated in competition as team 0FEB6’s coach, 2015
Participated in competition as a coach, 2014
Participated in Competition, Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL), 2016
Participated in Competition, Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL), 2015
Participated in ) Competition, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), 2014
Participated in Raspberry Pi Challenge: Cyber Craft - Capture the Flag (CCCTF) Competition, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL), 2016
Participated in Raspberry Pi Challenge: Capture the Flag (CTF) Competition, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL), 2015
Participated in Raspberry Pi Challenge: Capture the Flag (CTF) Competition, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories (LLNL), 2014
Participated in Raspberry Pi Challenge: Capture the Flag (CTF) Competition, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories (LLNL), 2013
Technical Program Committee Member, , 2016
Technical Program Committee Member, The First Euro Conference on Mobile Government (The EURO, mGOV 2005)
Technical Program Committee Member, , The First International Conference on Advances in Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems, 2017
Technical Program Committee Member, The First International Conference on Advances in Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems, 2016
Levent Ertaul on the news: Interviewed with , Why Fighting Cybercrime Is So Hard, May 2017
Levent Ertaul on the , 2015
Levent Ertaul on the news: Interviewed with , “Regional Businesses tap University for Cybersecurity training”, Spring 2011.
Program Committee Member, The IEEE Region 10 Symposium ( 2015)
Program Committee Member, , Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security (part of 12th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security), 2017
Program Committee Member, , Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security (part of 11th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security), 2016
Program Committee Member, IoTPTS, Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security (part of 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security), 2015
Program Committee Member, , The 2017 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'17 - The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Program Committee Member, , The 2016 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'16 - The 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Program Committee Member, , The 2015 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'15 - The 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Program Committee Member, , The 2014 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'14 - The 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Program Committee Member, , The 2013 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'13 - The 2013 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Program Committee Member, , The 2012 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'12 - The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Program Committee Member, , The 2009 International Conference on Security and Management (Part of WORLDCOMP'09 - The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing)
Established ), 2004
Holder of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ‘SECRET LEVEL’ Clearance
Organized, on behalf of Havelsan Co, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Military Message Handling Systems Work Group (MMHSWG) meeting, Istanbul, 2000
Joined NATO , North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), SHAPE, Mons, Belgium, 2000
Joined Unified Efforts Demonstration, Ankara, Turkey, 2000.
Invited to SHOW Radio for security discussion as an security expert, Turkey, 1998
Member of Modern Sailing Academy & Club, Sausalito, CA