Jeff Simons, PhD Faculty Profile

Photo of Jeff Simons

Jeff  Simons, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Kinesiology

Research Interests: Motor learning, skilled performance (motor control and psychological skills), participation motivation.

  • BA, University of California, Davis
  • MA, University of California, Davis
  • PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
KIN 30701Motor Skill Acquis & TrainARRWEB-ASYNCH
KIN 30702Motor Skill Acquis & TrainARRWEB-ASYNCH
KIN 44701Motor Skill ExpertiseARRWEB-ASYNCH
KIN 60401Effective MovementTU6:00PM9:45PMPE-0124
KIN 69801InternshipARRARR