Syllabus Poll

Social Psychology - Sociology 3500

In order to co-create the syllabus as a learning community, we are going to answer the following questions as a community. This will be an anonymous poll.

Course Topics

  1. Social Cognition - How We Think 缅北禁地 the Social World
  2. Social Perception - How We Come to Understand Other People
  3. The Self-Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context
  4. The Need to Justify Our Actions - Costs/Benefits of Dissonance
  5. Attitudes and Attitude Change-Influencing Thoughts/Feelings
  6. Conformity - Influencing Behavior
  7. Group Processes- Influence in Social Groups
  8. Interpersonal Attraction - From First Impressions to Close Relationships
  9. Pro-social Behavior - Why Do People Help?
  10. Aggression - Why Do We Hurt Other People? Can We Prevent It?
  11. Prejudice- Causes, Consequences, and Cures
  12. Making a Difference with Social Psychology
  13. Social Psychology and Health
  14. Social Psychology and the Law