Human Resources Specialists
- Campus Affiliations/Persons of Interest (POI)
- Talent Acquisition
- Reappointments
- Emergency Hires
- Casual Workers & Special Consultants (Appointments & Reappointments)
- Recruitment (PageUp)
- Job Postings
- Print Advertising
- Social Media Advertising
- Search Firms
- Background Checks & LiveScan
- Position Management
- Interviews
- Candidate Selection
- Review Reference Checks
- Offer Letters
- Unemployment
- Position Description
- Reclassifications
- Salary Review
- FLSA Changes
- Minimum Wage Changes
- Temporary Reassignments
- Casual Workers & Special Consultants (Review of job duties)
- Job Codes
- New Department & Reorganization
- Organization Rescoping
- Desk Audit
- SUPA Long-term Bonuses
- Step Program
- Staff & Student Assistance Employee Conflict Resolution
- Disciplinary Actions
- Suspensions
- Terminations
- Exit Interviews
- Separation Clearance Forms
- POI Separations
- Labor Relations
- Level 1 & 2 Grievances
- Labor Meetings
- Union Inquiries
- Investigations
- Represent University at EEOC, EDD, Civil Rights Department, CalPERS, and PERB hearings
- Union Negotiations
- Chair Labor Management Committee Meetings
- Meet and Confer
- Interpret and Administer CBA
- Contract Compliance
- Conduct of Concern Filings
- Customer Service
- Tuition Fee Waivers
- Employee Recognition Awards
- Records Retention
- Student Workers
- Front Desk Management
- Permanency Letters
- Directory Change Requests
- Personnel Files Review
- Equipment Management
- Contract Renewals
- HR email and voicemail communications
- Professional Development
- Compliance Trainings
- Chancellor's Office Training
- Conflict of Interest
- Defensive Driving
- Outside Employment
- EAP Administration
- Telecommuting Agreements
- Annual and Probationary Performance Evaluations
- Performance Management
- New Hire Orientation (Administration)
- Office website
- Eligibility for Health Plans
- Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans
- Flexcash
- Affordable Care Act
- LT Disability & Life Insurance Benefits
- Flexible Benefit Plans
- Voluntary Retirement & Savings Programs
- New Employee Orientation
- Annual Open Enrollment
- Income Protection Benefits: IDL & NDI
- Leave Programs: FMLA, Parental/Maternity, Catastrophic Leave Donations
- COBRA Notifications
- CalPERS Retirement
- Form 1095-C
- Absence Management
- Compressed & Irregular Work Schedules
- W-2 Wage Statements
- Direct Deposit
- Employment & Personnel Transactions (Faculty/Staff)
- Student Employment
- Payroll, Academic, and Holiday Calendars
- Honorarium Payments
- Moving & Relocation Expense Reimbursements
- CalPERS Service Credit Purchase Requests
- Employment and Loan Certifications
- General Salary Increases
- Department ID Reorganizations
- Time & Labor
- Overtime, Shift Differential, CTO, and Uniform Allowances
- Accounts Receivable