
The professional education of a pharmacist is obtained at a School of Pharmacy. The favored degree is the doctorate (D. Pharm.), which is usually a four-year program. Some schools do offer a Bachelor's degree (B.S. in Pharmacy), often a three-year program with two years of pre-pharmacy work. A state licensure examination is required.

Prior to admittance to pharmacy school, you must complete the "prerequisites," a set of courses in science and communications required by that school. For a complete list of pharmacy schools and their prerequisites, consult the handbook:

Pharmacy School Admission Requirements

Pharmacy Resources

For information on the publication described above or other publications related to pharmacy schools, membership in and meetings of the AACP, and graduate and post-doctoral programs, contact

For an extensive list of accredited pharmacy schools around the world, and their WWW links, contact

For information about government affairs, drug recalls and FDA alerts, membership in the APhA, and science and research developments, contact

For information on the APhA Academy of Students of Pharmacy, internships and residency programs, career opportunities, and answers to commonly-asked questions about pharmacy education, contact

For information about pharmacy law, licensing, and competency assessment, contact

To peruse the Pharmacy Week employment newsletter with job openings and career information for pharmacists, contact

To check out the Student Lounge of the Pharmacy Times, where you can get information and answers to career Q&As, network, and post messages for fellow pharmacy students, contact Pharmacy Times Student Lounge

To peruse articles, get information on continuing education exams, or subscribe to the U.S. Pharmacist journal, contact