Available Software

For new software in a lab or smart classroom, please submit this form.

  • It may take up to 20 business days to complete software installations.
  • Software must be legally licensed to be used in the lab (no shareware or trial versions).
  • You must provide us with a copy of the license and installation media or access to the installation program.
  • We need you to help test the program after we install it.

Available Software in Labs includes:


  • Microsoft Office
  • Minitab
  • SPSS
  • SAS
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • R, R-Studio
  • Java
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Zoom


  • Windows Media Player
  • Flash and Shockwave browser add-ons
  • VLC
  • Camtasia
  • SnagIT
  • Creative Cloud
  • Audacity


  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Putty (Telnet)
  • FileZilla
  • Ivanti VPN
  • Global Protect VPN


  • Adobe Reader
  • 7-ZIP
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Security Essentials
  • Git

缅北禁地 Software

The university provides software licenses for many programs used by faculty and staff members for academic and administrative purposes.

  • Site Licenses are pre-purchased for all university-owned computers. These software programs can be installed on university-owned computers without any additional cost to departments.
  • Volume Purchase Agreements (VPA) provide discount pricing, but individual software licenses must be purchased by the department before the program can be installed.
  • To obtain software for university-owned computers, faculty, and staff members please submit a lab software service request through the .
  • For personally owned devices, please see .
    • Allow 20 business days for us to complete software installations in labs or classrooms.
    • All software must be legally licensed (no shareware or trial versions).
    • You must provide us with a copy of the license and the installation media or access to the installation program.
    • We will need you to help test the program after we install it.