Summer 2025 Department and University Applications will be posted below
The Multiple Subject Credential Program is primarily designed for persons who wish to teach elementary school children coming from diverse backgrounds. The Program includes foundational coursework in educational psychology, working with diverse populations, teaching English language learners, and teaching students with disabilities; a full complement of discipline-based methods courses; and two semesters of student teaching in elementary schools within the university’s service area. NOTE: You need to apply to and be accepted by both the Department and the University to be accepted to the program. Review the Credential Application Requirements listed below and start early Summer Application Dates.
For more detailed information attend a Virtual Credential Information Session
The program is a full-time
The Department offers an alternate route to certification: Intern Program*. The application process is the same for both the Traditional and Intern programs. Application and acceptance into the Intern* program
Applicants are encouraged to attend a Credential Information Session prior to submitting an application. The schedule for Information Sessions can be found at the following link CREDENTIAL INFORMATION SESSIONS.
Application Dates for Summer 2025
Department Application Applications open in December 2024 Applications CLOSE March 15, 2025, 11:59 pm |
University Application Applications open: February 1, 2025 Applications CLOSE March 15, 2025,11:59 pm Transcript DEADLINE from ALL SCHOOLS ATTENDED: due April 15, 2025 |
Please note: Not all application checklist items may apply to your application option.
Application Process
- Review Information Before Applying: It is highly recommended to attend a virtual Credential Information Session . You have to submit two applications to be considered for admission to the program: the Department Application and University Application. Review the Credential Application Requirements
- Apply to the Program with the Department Application: Review Credential Application Requirements, instructions, and deadlines. Start the Department Application early, save progress, upload documents, and submit by the deadline. There is a nonrefundable $25.00 fee for this application. This Department Application cannot be submitted until after February 1 when you apply to the University. The University Application confirmation page is part of the Department Application requirement.
- Apply to the University through . visit How to Apply. There is a $70.00 non-refundable application fee. Please review the application to make sure you are applying to the correct term, campus, and program.
- Only after you submit the University Application through and get an email with your net id: Order official transcripts from ALL SCHOOLS attended to be sent electronically to 缅北禁地 Admissions or if an email address is requested.
- Both Graduate Admissions and the Credentials Office will have access to your electronic transcripts, so no duplicates are needed. Please do not send identical, duplicate electronic and paper transcripts.
Click on the following link for a Cal State Apply Demo for Summer 2023-Summer 2025 will be similar
You need to apply and be admitted to BOTH the Department and to the University to be admitted to the program.
Important: Email is our primary form of communication to keep in contact with you throughout the application and admission process. Please add and to your contacts and check for CSU East Bay correspondence sent to your personal email and horizon email. Check and clear your spam folder if needed.
APPLY EARLY- Your submitted Department Application with the required documents for your Department Application file will be processed and reviewed.
Your Department Application status will be noted regarding any missing requirements-including but not limited to if you have met Subject Matter Competency (SMC).
Please send updated documents for your submitted Department Application to with your full name, program name, and application term in the subject line.
It is your responsibility to submit the required documents by the deadlines.
University Application status and requirements will be listed on your To-Do List on your MyCSUEB. .
Credential Application Requirements
Complete the online Department Application with uploaded required documents and the $25 non-refundable application fee receipt. Please be sure to check the Save my progress and resume later box at the top of the application, so that you can update your application before it is submitted. Please use the same email to save and submit your Department Application.
Once you start the Department Application and save your progress, your application will be in our system for review. Please name and upload all documents and screenshots as saved PDFs. This Department Application cannot be submitted until after February 1 when you apply to the University. The University Application confirmation page is part of the Department Application requirement.
If you submitted your Department Application without the required documents, it is INCOMPLETE. Send updated documents for your submitted Department Application file to with your full name, program name, and start term in the subject line.
Your submitted Department Application with the required documents for your Department file will be processed and reviewed.
Your Department Application status will be noted regarding any missing requirements-including but not limited to if you have met Subject Matter Competency (SMC).
Please see additional detailed information about Subject Matter Competency (SMC) below.
Please send updated documents for your submitted Department Application to with your full name, program name, and application term in the subject line.
It is your responsibility to submit the required documents by the deadlines.
The Statement of Purpose should respond to both of the following questions in one 300-500 word essay:
- Why do you want to be a teacher and work with groups of students between the ages of five (5) to eleven (11)?
- How does your background and/or experience inform your decision to pursue a license that authorizes you to work with socially,
culturally and economically diverse groups of children in California? - Statement of Purpose for Teaching Credential Programs
Provide two forms/letters of recommendation that demonstrate a suitable disposition for teaching in public schools.
- At least one of the forms/letters should come from a person that has observed you working with school-age children 5-11 within the last 5 years.
- The other form/letter can be from an Academic professor or professional supervisor.
Letter of Recommendation Form: Please send this form to two recommenders and have them complete it and send the saved form/letter back to you for your Department Application.
Examples of acceptable recommenders are teachers, principals, job supervisors, employers, etc. who have observed you working with groups of children and/or can recommend your potential as a teacher. Family members are not acceptable.
- Submit two forms or letters of recommendation on official letterhead, signed, and dated, with email and phone number.
- The recommendation forms/letters must be related to your experience working with groups of children related to the credential sought.
Documented Field Experience of at least 45 hours from the past five years. Pre-professional experience must be in a classroom or classroom-like setting with groups of children (5 or more) between the ages of five (5) and eleven (11) years old for the Multiple Subject program.
- At least 15 hours must be in a public or private school classroom setting. An acceptable public school experience includes work as a substitute teacher, para-educator, instructional aide, or classroom volunteer.
- The remaining 30 of the 45 hours minimum may be completed in public or private school settings; in community-based venues such as park or recreation centers, structured summer camps, after-school, or
other formally organized programs . - Submit Early Field Experience Verification Form. Use as many forms as needed to verify the total hours.
Must have a Bachelor's Degree conferred before the program begins.
Applicants with international transcripts with a foreign degree must provide an official evaluation of that coursework by a CTC-approved agency of US Bachelor Degree equivalency, for a list of approved agencies visit
Applicants must meet the university admission requirements of at least 2.5 to be considered for admission. /admissions/graduate-apply.html
If your GPA is below the minimum required: You may be required to complete a "Petition to Waive GPA Requirement" form after your file has been reviewed and we have determined your GPA is below the minimum. The requirement for the program is an overall undergraduate GPA of 2.67 or a 2.75 GPA in the last 60-semester or 90-quarter units attempted. The form will be emailed to you if it is required to evaluate program and University eligibility.
Complete the online University application at There is a $70 application fee.
Applications open February 1. For the optimum experience, we recommend using the most current version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. The application is not compatible with Internet Explorer.
Be sure to save a copy of the confirmation page, to upload to the Department Application. For more information on how to apply to the University, visit How to Apply
If you are not seeing the credential program you are applying for you will need to check your profile. Go to Extended Profile (top right). Set Degree Goal to "Second Bachelors Degree and Beyond and Teaching and Service Credential Only (e.g. Single or Multiple Subject, Special Education)."
Then click on "Add Program" and under East Bay Credential select "Multiple Subject Credential."
Click on the following link for reference for a Cal State Apply Demo for Summer 2023 application which will be similar for 2025 that opens 2/1/25
Application Transcript Requirement: Do NOT order/submit transcripts until you have submitted your University Application and emailed a confirmation with your netid. HOW TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTS
Transcripts due April 15, 2025.
*Official transcripts are required directly from ALL colleges/universities attended. The Office of Admissions does not accept composite transcripts. Courses that appear on one transcript but are taken at another institution will need to have transcripts sent directly from that original institution.
Order official transcripts from all schools attended to be sent electronically to 缅北禁地 Admissions or, if an email address is requested.
If currently a Cal State East Bay student or a 缅北禁地 graduate, transcripts may not need to be submitted unless you have completed
Please note: If you are in the process of completing a Bachelor’s degree at a school other than 缅北禁地 you must submit an official transcript showing coursework in progress for Spring, and one additional official transcript after your degree has been awarded showing conferral date.
Your Bachelor's degree must have been awarded by a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
Foreign transcripts (if applicable):
For your University Application: Contact the International Admissions Office
The University may require a evaluation of your international transcripts.
For your Department Application: Applicants with international transcripts with a foreign degree must provide an official evaluation of that coursework by a CTC-approved agency, for a list of approved agencies visit
is accepted by the University and the CTC.
Once you start your Department Application: Have an official evaluation electronically sent from the agency to
Submit a
- You must maintain current negative TB test results throughout your entire program. If your results expire during the program, you will need to retake the test. TB skin and blood tests are valid for 3 years and chest x-rays are valid for 5 years.
- You may be required to have more recent results for the fieldwork site.
A TB Risk Assessment (TBRA) is not acceptable and does not meet the requirement. It needs to be an actual negative TB test indicating the date performed and the date read.
The Certificate of Clearance serves as evidence of having undergone the fingerprint, character, and identification process required by the You must obtain a or hold a valid CTC-issued document in order to be accepted to a credential program.
Examples of documents include but are not limited to: Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permits, Short-Term Staff Permits, Child Development Permits, and other CTC documents for which a fingerprint clearance is required for issuance.Getting the Certificate of Clearance is a two-part process.
Print the and take to a location offering Live Scan services to have your fingerprints rolled or scanned.
Go to and apply for the Certificate of Clearance. For more details, visit .
Once the Certificate of Clearance is issued, you can access the document from the website that displays the document name, issuance date, and expiration date. The document must remain valid while in the program.
Detailed application instructions can be found . A video tutorial on the CTC website can be found .
Do NOT Submit the LiveScan form. LiveScan forms will not be accepted.
You must submit a or a valid -issued document to be admitted to the credential program.
A Bachelor's Degree or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution meets the Basic Skills Requirement.
For more information, visit
California Education Code requires that all candidates for a teaching credential demonstrate they are proficient in the subject matter area of their intended credential (meet the SMC requirement) to be intern-eligible and/or be given daily whole-class instructional responsibilities in a TK-12 school.
See the following link from the website for options to meet (SMC).
You will be notified with a Department Reminder email from with your Subject Matter Competency (SMC) status if you are considered for admission.
Options for meeting the Subject Matter Competency (SMC) requirement:
- California Subject Examinations for Teachers (): passing the appropriate CSET for the credential sought- For more information regarding CSET, visit .
- Commission on Teacher Credentialing () approved Subject Matter Program: A Subject Matter Preparation Program is an organized course of undergraduate study that meets the Commission on Teacher Credentialing standards for subject matter preparation. Subject Matter Waiver Letter from a Subject Matter Preparation Program signed by an authorized person in the education department of a California college or university with an approved program.
- Meeting Subject Matter Competency (SMC) requirement by Degree Major: Verification of completion of an academic degree major in the subject area of the credential. To meet SMC by degree major for Multiple Subject, the degree major listed on your transcript must be Liberal Studies, Liberal Arts, or Elementary Education.
- SMC full Coursework evaluation or Combination of coursework and Exams: You can request a transcript course evaluation to meet SMC only after you have started the Department Application and paid the $25 Department Application fee. Reviews for those who are applying for Summer 2025 will begin after December 1, 2024. Follow the instructions listed at the link SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCY INFORMATION
- SMC Coursework evaluation- An Interdisciplinary Major that includes all of the subject areas identified in Education Code §44282(b): language studies, literature, mathematics, science, social studies, history, arts, physical education, and human development. (You will need to submit a request for course evaluation).
- It is recommended to take CSETs for Multiple Subject if you do not have a degree major in Liberal Studies, Liberal Arts, or Elementary Education.
Subject Matter Competency Coursework Evaluation Request Information
To request an evaluation of coursework, you will need to submit completed forms and transcripts (foreign transcript evaluation) to demonstrate that you completed undergraduate or graduate coursework that fulfills the Domains of the Subject Matter Requirements set by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
Follow the instructions listed at the link SUBJECT MATTER COMPETENCY INFORMATION
Prospective Students who have a Department Application in progress/submitted may submit a Subject Matter Competency Coursework Evaluation Request after December 1, 2024.
- SMC Evaluations will start in late January and typically take 6-8 weeks to complete.
- The deadline to submit the Subject Matter Competency (SMC) Coursework Evaluation Request is March 1, 2025.
- Evaluation Requests submitted after March 1, 2025, may not be reviewed.
- Bachelor’s degree earned from a 缅北禁地 (CSU) in any major
- One authorized college-level course (two-semester units or three-quarter units) in the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution. The course should include content such as the Bill of Rights, federalism, the separation of powers, and checks and balances. Include the course name, course description, and where taken, and upload the unofficial transcript showing the course listed. Please note the course grade(s) must be a “C” or better; please see link of
- Passage of U.S. Constitution examinations verified by a regionally accredited college or university will be acceptable for certification purposes. Upload the official score report showing the
passage of the U.S. Constitution exam.
After a review of the Department and University applications, program applicants may be invited for a group interview with the Teacher Education faculty.
After the interview, the program faculty may conduct a reference check or request additional information.
Interview scheduling will begin in January/February.
Priority admission may be offered to applicants who have met all requirements including Subject Matter Competency.
To teach TK, you would need a or one of the following with a –
- At least 24 units in early childhood education, or childhood development, or both
- Professional experience in a classroom setting with preschool-age children comparable to the 24 units of education described in bullet 1 (comparability determined by the local employing agency)
- Child Development Teacher Permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Please see
*Not all applicants are eligible for the Alternate Route to Certification (Intern Credential). In order to ensure a quality educational experience for California students: the department's minimum requirements are 150 hours (documented) in a K-12 classroom at grade levels appropriate to your credential goal and required letters of recommendation that address your abilities to manage a classroom on your own. The department may consider other factors but having an offer of employment from a district does not guarantee that the university will recommend an Intern Credential. The department reserves the right not to recommend an Intern Credential even if minimum requirements are met. Please note according to the regulations of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing an Intern Credential cannot be issued until summer classes are completed with a "B" or better. Applicants interested in the Alternate Route to Certification may submit an Intern Approval Application to their program coordinator only after having been admitted to the program.
Credential Student Service Center
(510) 885-2272
Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm