Marketing Connect Speaker Series

The Marketing Connect Speaker Series aims to inspire our students to become future business leaders by hosting speaker events that feature CSUEB/CBE alumni or industry leaders in Marketing. We will host 1-2 speaker events every semester. Please come and stay connected to the CBE business community and alumni network. 

Upcoming Events

Michele LaCagnina

Why Email Marketing Still Reigns

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
12:30-1:30 PM
University Union Room 311 (3rd Floor)
A conversation with Michele LaCagnina, MBA '13
Senior Brand Manager, Abbott.
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Michele's specialties include strategizing, planning, and executing data-driven, multi-channel lifecycle programs using channels like email, SMS, video, webinar, newsletter, and blog. Strong written communication and presentation skills; experience project managing marketing campaigns end-to-end. Skilled at uncovering customer insights to inform and deliver segmented customer lifecycle campaigns. (P.S. Loves copywriting!)

Past Events

Tommy Ngo

Blockchain and Web3

Tommy Ngo (BSBA '10)
Head of Product, NFT Blockchain Gaming at Zynga
Jericho Apo

Startup Marketing

Jericho Apo
B.A. Sociology '17
Director of Growth Marketing, UPchieve
Nicole Mason

Synergizing Success

Nicole Mason MBA '2019
Owner and Founder of One Mason Lane, LLC

Joe Gura

The Business of Storytelling

Joe Gura
Storytelling Lead for Microsoft Teams Marketing, Microsoft
Div Manickam

Buyer Journey Reimagined

Div Manickam, MBA '11 
Director of WW Services Marketing and Portfolio Management at Lenovo
Angela Stark

The Art & Science of Marketing

Angela Stark (BSBA '97)
SVP of Performance Marketing at Workday
Scott Deutsch

Building a Brand with Digital Marketing

Scott Deutsch

TDK, GM and Vice President Worldwide Sales, Corp., Marketing and Business Developmen

Dorothea Sieber

Why the Best Marketers Always Put Their Customers First

Dorothea Sieber

Vice President, Content & Keynotes at Oracle

Mary Ann Wofford

Advice in Breaking In, Developing and Accelerating a Career in High Tech

Mary Ann Wofford

Salesforce, Area Vice President, Cloud Sales