IRB Meeting Schedule and Submission Deadlines

The IRB meets at least quarterly to discuss routine business and to review protocols that may require Full Board Reviews. The corresponding submission schedule posted below, outlines when protocols need to be submitted in order to be reviewed by the Full Board for the next scheduled meeting.

IRB meetings are considered closed-sessions and attendance to convened meetings are through invitation or otherwise approved by the committee Chair.

 Submission Deadlines


Meeting Dates

IRB Protocols or Renewal Requests Requiring Full Board Review Submission Deadline

IRB Protocols Not Expected to Require Full Board Review Submission Deadline

Modifications to and Closures of Approved Protocol Submittals

Sept 13, 2024

TBD 2024

TBD 2024

TBD 2024

Oct 11, 2024

TBD 2024

TBD 2024

TBD 2024

Nov 15, 2024

TBD 2025

TBD 2025

TBD 2025

Feb 7, 2025

TBD 2025

TBD 2025

TBD 2025

March 7, 2025

TBD 2025 TBD 2025 TBD 2025

April 18, 2025

TBD 2025 TBD 2025 TBD 2025


                      Protocol Categorizations

 IRB Protocols or Renewal Requests Requiring Full Board Review

Non-Exempt Protocols that include more than minor risk to study participants or non-participants, including vulnerable populations, or that are complex or otherwise warrant full-board review.

IRB Protocols Not Expected to Require Full Board Review

Protocols of minimal risk to study participants and non-participants or that are likely to be found to be Exempt.


Modifications to and Closures of Approved Protocol


Modifications to request changes to study participant populations, research team members, human subject activity methodology or other changes to the original protocol.