End of FY23-24 Fiscal Year Reminders for PIs

End of FY23-24 Fiscal Year Reminders for PIs

As the University approaches fiscal year-end, on June 30, 2024, please note the below are important dates and reminders for the upcoming fiscal year-end close and your grant-funded projects.  These dates may impact your grant timeline for processing your expenses.

• If you have not already informed ORSP,  please notify your post-award specialist about any purchase requisitions over $100,000 as soon as possible.  

  • Per the campus fiscal year end announcement, P-Card expenses posted to the US Bank statement by May 17, 2024, will be included in the current fiscal year through June 30, 2024.   Any P-Card purchase made after May 17 will appear on your June statement.  P-Cards will remain active throughout the year-end period.

Note the following cut-off dates for ORSP Processing: 

Monday, April 22, 2023:

  • If you haven't done so already, submit all requests for faculty summer additional employment(5/20/24 – 8/16/24), using the form on our website:
  • We request that any planned re-assigned time for Fall 2024 should be submitted by Fri, May 10, 2024using the form on our website:    

Monday, April 29, 2024:

  • Submit all requests for student hires during the summer (5/20/24 – 8/16/24) to orsp@csueastbay.edu;  Provide the students’ first and last name, student's email, NetID, PeopleSoft ID# which is on the student Bay Card, start/end dates of appointment, rate of pay, and grant chartfield

Monday, April 29, 2024:

  • Submit an ORSP Purchase Request Form for goods/services ($5,000 - $100,000) to be charged to your grant by this date (equipment, computers/software, services, and other large ticket items); requests received after this date, these will be coded for the new fiscal year, after July 1, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024:

  • Submit Purchase Requisitions for purchases less than $5,000.
  • Submit requests for close out of purchase orders and adjustments 
  • Submit new purchase requisitions with start dates of 7/1/2024
  • Submit FTE’s for any FY 2023-24 payroll/adjustment requests.  

Monday, June 3, 2024:

  • Submit requests for Short Term Limited Scope (STLS) Independent Contractor requests
  • Submit Check Requests
  • Clear pre-paid expenses from your Certify “wallet” for tips prior to 6/30/2024
  • All A/R (Accounts Receivable) billing requests due, including faculty replacement charges and billings to the Auxiliaries (Foundation, ASI)
  • Requests for non-payroll adjustment/expense transfers, budget transfers, and Interagency Financial Transactions (IFT)

Friday, June 28, 2024:

  • The Cashier’s Office will close at 1 p.m.

Notify ORSP 缅北禁地 Upcoming Proposal Submissions

As a reminder, you must notify ORSP about upcoming proposals and enter your proposal information in Cayuse at least 30 days in advance of a submission.  Refer to our  on how to record your proposal entry.  Requests submitted with shorter turnaround times will require your chair and dean's approval before proceeding.  The can be found on the ORSP website.  

A , including an updated basic budget template is also now available on our website to assist you with information and resources before you apply!


Grants with Upcoming End Dates:  If your grant is scheduled to end within three months, carefully review your budget, scope of work and remaining balances. Make a plan for timely spending so that grant funds will be expended and grant work completed before the end date of your grant. This is especially important when the grant end date is at or near the end of the fiscal year. Note that most sponsors do not allow purchase of major equipment or computer/software during the last few months, so please consult with ORSP asap, if you need help or if it appears that you will need a no cost extension.  
Research or other Activities that include Human Subjects or Animals:  If you are developing research or academic plans that include  or  Research, please make sure to review those related policies and procedures and complete required training. Understanding the policies and procedures, completing the required training, and submitting detailed protocols will help to expedite required approvals. See the  and  for additional Information.

Annual Certifications
If you have not yet done so, please review your AdobeSign access and your email for any of the following reports or certifications that you may not have submitted or signed and returned. Please ensure all of your reports and certifications are signed and returned as soon as possible.
·         Effort Certifications
·         Cost Share Certifications
·         Subrecipient Monitoring Reports