Student Organizations of Special Interest to Psychology Students

The National Honor Society in Psychology is called Psi Chi. There is a chapter at this University. Membership in Psi Chi requires an overall grade-point average in the top 35% and completion of twelve or more units in Psychology with at least a B average. Dues are also required. The national organization sponsors social events at national and regional conventions and distributes a quarterly newsletter that describes its activities, scholarships, and awards. It also sponsors a journal that publishes student research. Contributors must be Psi Chi members who did the research as an undergraduate. (The submission may occur after graduation). The local chapter has an annual Spring Awards Event and sponsors speakers and social gatherings. All students are invited to participate in these events. Psi Chi has a display case next to south Science 250 (down the hall from the Psychology Department Office). If you are interested in applying for membership, inquire in the Psychology Department Office (South Science 229).

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club is open to all students enrolled at this University. There are no grade requirements, no dues, and no attendance requirements. The Psychology Club arranges events for the benefit of psychology majors. It is a student-run organization with a faculty adviser. Psychology Club members receive e-mail notification of all Psychology Club events, and can send e-mail to all other Psychology Club members. Each year the club must re-form, with new officers. An invitation to join is e-mailed to all Psychology majors every Fall.

All the officers working together, with input from interested members, decide on events and services the club would like to sponsor. Past events have included Get to Know the Faculty, career fairs, grad school application, grad school fairs, field trips to psychology-related sites, GRE preparation, resume development help, grad school application sessions, and just plain fun parties

Human Resources Council

This club is a student affiliate of the Northern California Human Resources Council. It serves students in the B.S. (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) option by providing many of the same advantages they will enjoy later as professionals, when they become full members of the Northern California Human Resources Council. Benefits include networking with industrial psychologists, workshops and seminars that can help develop skills needed by industrial psychologists, and opportunities to develop leadership skills. The Department of Psychology and the School of Business and Economics jointly sponsor the Human Resources Council. Its faculty advisers are Dr. Mary Kay Stevenson (Psychology) and Dr. Sharon Green (Management and Finance). It normally meets twice each month. Meeting notices are posted in the glass-fronted display case in the main hallway across from South Science 236 (not far from the Psychology Department Office).