Resources for Students

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training for Students

Ãå±±½ûµØ, East Bay, is committed to providing all students with a safe and inclusive learning and working environment. To this end, we are requiring the completion of online training to ensure students understand their rights, University resources, and prevention efforts regarding sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, rape, and stalking.
Please check your CSU East Bay Horizon email account for a link or click below!  Instructions on how to access the training and obtain a certificate of completion are also included in the links.


Learner Quick Start Guide

How to Retrieve Completion Certificates

What is the Training?

CSU East Bay Student Title IX Impressions

 The course examines how to recognize and report sexual assault and informs students about support resources available, both on and off campus. This course will help learners understand:
  • Definitions of sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking
  • The “culture of care” at higher education institutions
  • Prevention, including bystander intervention techniques
  • How to report and where to go for support
  • The meaning and definition of consent Estimated duration: 40 minutes

    All currently enrolled students must complete the Student Title IX Training-Impressions annually.
    Please submit inquiries to

    CSU EAST Bay Strategies for Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm

    Students will learn to identify serving sizes, use protective behavioral strategies (PBS) for drinking, and examine the immediate effects alcohol has on their bodies. This course will help learners: Create a plan before drinking. Determine serving sizes when ordering or pouring alcohol. Use additional protective behavioral strategies (PBS) before, during, and after drinking. Find their institution's alcohol policy information. Find local public health resources.

    Estimated duration: 45 minutes

    All current enrolled Freshman and Transfer students must complete the Alcohol EDU Training once.

    Please submit inquiries to

How do I access the training?

A link to the training is expected to arrive to your CSU East Bay email on August 2024.  You can also visit the links below for access as well as instructions on how to log in and how to generate a certificate of completion.


Why do I need to complete the training?

Sexual Misconduct Awareness Training is required annually for ALL students at Ãå±±½ûµØ, per the Ãå±±½ûµØ Chancellor’s office, the State of California, and Federal mandates. 


I already took the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Training and/or the Strategies for Reducing Alcohol-Related Harm Training. Do I need to do this again?

Yes and no All Cal State University East Bay students are assigned Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Training annually. Reducing Alcohol Related Harm Training is required for new students and is assigned just once.


I am taking ONLINE courses only. Do I need to complete Not Anymore?

Yes. All Cal State University East Bay students are required to take this Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Training, regardless if they are taking courses on campus, online, or a hybrid of both.


I am in Continuing Education courses only. Do I need to complete this training?

Yes, all Cal State University East Bay students, whether they are enrolled in OPEN UNIVERSITY, Continuing Education, or courses leading to Baccalaureate, Master’s, or Doctoral degrees, are required to take Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention training.


Will Ãå±±½ûµØ faculty and staff have access to my responses?

No. All responses are strictly confidential. CSU East Bay will NEVER see any individual student’s answers.  


This training is difficult for me due to past experiences of abuse, what options do I have?

In this case, you may contact the Campus Confidential Advocate to obtain a waiver and /or go over your other options. The Confidential Advocate can be contacted by emailing,  or at the link above.


Is there a fee?

There are no fees associated with your use of this training program.


Will the grade I get on this test be reflected on my transcript?

No. The grade you get in the course will not appear on your transcript and it will not affect your GPA.


Where can I go for help related to sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct?

To report an incident, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Confidential Advocate. Here is a list of resources for more information: Title IX.

A summary of the reporting process (in cases alleging Sex Discrimination) is outlined below. Please reference the full  policy for details.

    • Filing a Report. The Student shall submit a written report to the Title IX Coordinator. The date of receipt shall be deemed to be the report filing date. The Title IX Coordinator shall offer reasonable accommodations to students who are unable to submit a written report because of disability.
    • Timeline for filing a Report. Complaints should be brought forward as soon as possible after the conduct occurs. While there is no stated time frame for making a Complaint, prompt reporting will better enable the Campus to respond to the Complaint, determine the relevant issues, and provide an appropriate remedy and/or action. All incidents should be reported even if a significant amount of time has passed. However, delaying a report or Complaint may impede the ability to conduct an investigation or take appropriate remedial actions.
    • Report Requirements. The Student should complete the incident report.
    • Intake Interview. The Title IX Coordinator (or designee) shall meet with the Student as soon as possible, but no later than 10 Working Days after the report was received. The meeting shall serve as the initial intake interview and will: (a) acquaint the Student with the investigation procedure and timelines; (b) inform the Student of their rights (including having an advisor throughout the process); (c) provide the opportunity for the Student to complete and sign a complaint form, if not already done; and (d) discuss Interim Remedies, as appropriate.
    • Confidentiality. Information regarding the report shall be shared with other University employees and law enforcement exclusively on a "need to know" basis.
    • Investigation Procedure. The Student and the Accused shall have equal opportunities to present relevant witnesses and evidence in connection with the investigation. The investigation shall be completed no later than 100 Working Days after the intake interview, unless the timeline has been extended pursuant to Article VIII. E or F. Upon inquiry, the Complainant and Accused shall be advised of the status of the investigation.
    • Investigative Report. Within the investigation period stated above, the Investigator shall prepare an investigative report. The report shall include a summary of the allegations, the investigative process, the Preponderance of the Evidence standard, the evidence considered, and appropriate findings.
    • Notice of Investigation Outcome. The Title IX Coordinator (or designee) shall notify the Student in writing of the investigation outcome within 10 Working Days of completing the report. Where a report is made against another Student, the Title IX Coordinator shall also notify the Campus Student Conduct Administrator of the investigation outcome. If the outcome is that this Non-Discrimination Policy was not violated, the notice shall inform the Complainant of their right to file an appeal under Article VII. A separate written notice shall be provided to the Accused indicating whether or not the allegations at Level I were substantiated. The Accused shall also be informed of the Complainant's right to file an appeal.
    • Please see Article XI of the  for information on how to appeal. 

Equitable Rights

  • When complainant and respondent receive the Notice of Investigation, they are informed of their right to have a representative of their choice when being interviewed by the investigator.
  • The complainant and the respondent are informed of their rights to provide the investigator with information and documentation they feel are relevant to the claim at any time during the investigation.
  • The complainant and the respondent have the right to identify witnesses to support their respective positions during the interview process of the investigation.
  • The complainant is informed through the official notice of the Investigation Outcome of the right to appeal to the Chancellor's Office if not satisfied with the findings of the investigation.

Contact Us

Title IX/DHR Office

25800 Carlos Bee Blvd
Student Administration, SA 1109
Hayward, CA 94542

Phone: (510) 885-4918
Website: Equity Investigations

Terri La Beaux
Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (510) 885-4918

Ellen G. Maloney Ruhe
Office Support Title IX & DHR
Phone: (510) 885-2788

JoLani Hironaka
DHR Administrator
Phone: (510) 885-2237