- Human Resources
- 缅北禁地 Us
- Human Resources Specialists
- CSU Disability
- Employee Separation Clearance Process
- New Employees
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- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Open Enrollment 2024
- Employee Health Plans
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- Life Insurance
- Retirement Programs
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- Retiring from the CSU
- Employee's Retirement
- Part-time, Seasonal, Temporary (PST)
- Miscellaneous Benefit Programs
- Leave Programs
- Flexible Spending
- Disability Insurance
- Classification & Compensation
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- HR Forms & Procedures
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- CSUEB Policies
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Sick Leave
Eligible full-time employees accrue eight (8) hours of sick leave credit following the completion of each qualifying pay period or academic qualifying pay period. Employees who work less than full-time, but are eligible to accrue sick leave credit, will accrue credit on a pro rata basis. For intermittent employees, a qualifying pay period for sick leave accrual is defined as 160 hours or 20 days of paid employment.
The use of sick guards against the loss of income during a prolonged illness, sick leave may be accumulated without limitation. The use of sick leave may be authorized by the manager when an employee is absent because of the employee's own illness, injury, or disability (including pregnancy disability) or the employee's own dental, eye, other physical or medical examination or treatments. Sick leave must be taken in units of no less than one hour.
An employee may be required to provide a physician's statement or other appropriate verification for absences. Such a statement or verification shall not normally be required for an absence of three (3) or 5 consecutive days or less charged to sick leave - please refer to the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Sick leave credits may not be used prior to their accrual which occurs on the first day of the following pay period (for qualifying pay periods).
Sick leave may be authorized by the manager for other limited uses. Please refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement for details on when sick leave may be utilized.
Human Resources should be notified when an absence exceeds 3-5 days of sick leave or other usage of accruals due to employee's medical illness or an employee's eligible dependent's illness (refer to appropriate CBA). Leave programs, return-to-work notes and/or accommodations will need to be coordinated with Human Resources and the appropriate supervisor PRIOR to the employee's return to work. Please contact the Leave Coordinator for additional information (510) 885-3634.
Sick leave balances may be carried forward year to year, and there is no maximum accrual limit for sick leave credit. While no payment is made for unused sick leave upon leaving university employment, under certain conditions it may be converted to service credit at retirement in accordance with CalPERS guidelines.
For more information regarding sick leave, please refer to appropriate . Questions regarding sick leave accrual and/or attendance reporting should be directed to Payroll, (510) 885-3651.