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Counselors in Housing
Students living in University Housing have access to an on-site mental health therapist.
Student Health and Counseling Services has an office in El Dorado Hall that offers counseling sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. In addition to mental health counseling, counselors can provide guidance on conflict mediation between roommates, and connect residents to other support programs and services.
Housing residents can receive brief individual and couples therapy, as well as participating in a variety of counseling groups that meet throughout the week. All of these services are covered by the health fee paid at registration each semester. Counseling sessions are conveniently available in El Dorado, as well as in the Student Health and Counseling Services clinic across campus Monday through Friday.
Have a question, but not ready to schedule an appointment? Stop by during drop in hours, 3-4pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Or - watch Meet the Counselor videos from and .
Schedule a counseling appointment through our online portal, or by calling the Student Health and Counseling Services front desk at (510) 885-3735. .
Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you can't find an in-person appointment, please check for telehealth appointments that may be available!
If you want to meet in El Dorado Hall, be sure to mention that you are a Housing resident! When scheduling online, look for Housing appointments: